December 2024

Radioactive Waste 938 - TEPCO And JAPC Are Working On The Recyclable Fuel Storage Center To Store Spent Nuclear Fuel In Japa

     Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) has granted an operating license for an off-site interim dry storage facility for spent nuclear fuel in Mutsu, Aomori prefecture. It is the first such facility in Japan for the temporary storage of spent nuclear fuel.

Nuclear Reactors 1454 - Last Energy Secures U.S. Expor-Import Bank Finance For A U.K. Microreactor

     Microreactor developer Last Energy states that it has received a letter of intent from the Export-Import Bank of the U.S. (EXIM) for one hundred- and four-million-dollar debt financing relating to its project in South Wales in the U.K.

Nuclear Reactors 1453 - GoviEX Is Seeking Arbitration With Niger Over Cancellation Of Permit For Mine

     GoviEx Uranium Inc and its fully owned subsidiary GoviEx Niger Holdings Ltd have begun proceedings under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes Between States and Nationals of Other States (known as the ICSID Convention), because Niger has breached its legal obligations under a May 2007 agreement between the state and GoviEx Niger, and under Nigerien law.

Nuclear Reactors 1452 - General Matter Is Working On The Production Of HALEU Nuclear Fuel In The U.S.

     Scott Nolan worked at SpaceX engineer before he became the CEO of a startup named General Matter. He is on a mission to help end Russia's monopoly on a special type of more-enriched nuclear fuel for advance nuclear fission reactors by producing it at commercial scale in the United States and slashing its costs.
