July 2020
Geiger Readings for Jul 27, 2020
Ambient office = 98 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 149 nanosieverts per hour
Geiger Readings for Jul 26, 2020
Ambient office = 105 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 93 nanosieverts per hour
2188 - Nuclear Fusion 83 - LPP Fusion Is Working On Dense Plasma Fusion For Commercial Power Generation - Part 6 of 6 Parts
Lerner - LPP Founder.jpg

Part 6 of 6 Parts (Please read Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 first)
Geiger Readings for Jul 25, 2020
Ambient office = 100 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 90 nanosieverts per hour
Nuclear Fusion 82 - LPP Fusion Is Working On Dense Plasma Fusion For Commercial Power Generation - Part 5 of 6 Parts
Part 5 of 6 Parts (Please read Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 first)
We have mentioned hydrogen-boron fuel as the ultimately intended fuel for the dense plasma focus (DPF) fusion reactors under development by LPP Fusion. There are other experimental fusion reactors such as the hydrogen-boron laser fusion reactor that use hydrogen-boron fuel.
Geiger Readings for Jul 24, 2020
Ambient office = 99 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 80 nanosieverts per hour
A Pandemic Is Not Political
Exactly when did we start to let politics define how we care for one another in this country? People who refuse to wear masks (and I'm surrounded by them where I live) are insisting that it's a political ploy to get us to get microchipped, or a hoax that will be over by the election (that I guess the rest of the world is somehow in on?) or some other weird conspiracy theory. Anything to avoid wearing a mask and, you know, saving lives.
Halloween Goodies
The closer we get to Halloween, the more Halloween goodies I spot everywhere and I love it! Hot Topic has some of the new Funko Pops from The Craft available for purchase already, and Dollar Tree has some cute signs and decorations popping up. I haven't been to my local store, but I've heard from several people that there are some neat things available already.
Nuclear Fusion 81 - LPP Fusion Is Working On Dense Plasma Fusion For Commercial Power Generation - Part 4 of 6 Parts
plasmoid formation.jpg

Part 4 of 6 Parts (Please read Parts 1, 2, and 3)
Many experimental fusion reactors make use of the pinch effect. The reactors based on magnetic confinement use it. ITER is the biggest of this type of fusion reactor. There is great variation in the exact methodology among the different “pinch” reactor types.
Nuclear News Roundup Jul 23, 2020
Kakrapar 3 achieves first criticality world-nuclear-news.org
Geiger Readings for Jul 23, 2020
Ambient office = 87 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 94 nanosieverts per hour
Nuclear Fusion 80 - LPP Fusion Is Working On Dense Plasma Fusion For Commercial Power Generation - Part 3 of 6 Parts

Part 3 of 6 Parts (Please read Parts 1 and 2 first)
Geiger Readings for Jul 22, 2020
Ambient office = 79 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 135 nanosieverts per hour
Nuclear Fusion 79 - LPP Fusion Is Working On Dense Plasma Fusion For Commercial Power Generation - Part 2 of 6 Parts
Part 2 of 6 Parts (Please read Part 1 first)
Operating on a very limited budget with a few collaborators, LPP Fusion has increased the performance of its DPF technology step by step and is coming close to being able to create the conditions required for net energy generation.